Giving – Back
I’m keen to support others and aim to do what I can in a number of ways
Free plugins
I’ve built and continue to build more plugins on
Support for free plugins is provided under the KOI brand and I hope to keep it that way
Contributors Welcome
I encourage contributors to my plugins. I don’t see this as a one way street however.
Mostly my contributors are selected from applicants and I support and train as best I am able. I’m also willing to provide testimonials and references for the right contributors in line with the tasks completed and therefore helping those who contribute build on their skills and experience.
Many years ago I fell from a horse causing a 2/3 compression fracture of T11. (I broke my Back)
I was able to recover 100% but mindful not everyone is as fortunate.
Over the years I’ve raised many thousands of pounds for Back Care. This includes me completing the London marathon raising huge sums of money for the charity.