Mobile App Development

Klick on it has been around for about a decade now and I’ve dabbled in quite a few frameworks and used two extensively. Those two frameworks are Ionic and B4X.

I’ve focused on these two …

Why … there are a host of reasons…

In my view Ionic rules the HTML5 mobile development scene. I started with ionic back in the beta says and created the Quoter app almost entirely with Ionic.

B4X is not cross platform from the same code base in the way Ionic is but provides a solution for native development with much shorter lead times and costs of development than the native environments. B4X has a long heritage and we have relied on it for several projects.

Both B4X and Ionic have been gaining momentum fast and I’m intent on continuing with both as we develop our own roadmap.

For the kind of apps we manage, advise on and create we see no reason to return to the native environments any longer but will adapt as needed as I’ll always retain those skills.

When I made the decision to focus on cross platform mobile development a fair while ago it was a huge move but now looking back, I couldn’t be happier and I’m certain I made the right move for me and for my clients.

It’s rarely a good idea to proclaim something as “the best” without some clarifications, different frameworks usually suit different purposes and that holds true here so I’m not going to… I haven’t used all of the mobile frameworks out there and it’s certain that things will progress and maybe some frameworks will be better.

Using Ionic and B4A I am able to provide almost any app feature needed.

Mobile App Estimate

Custom website Quote

Step 1 of 16